Monday, October 13, 2008

Woman Abuse

The image shows verbal abuse can be as excruciating as physical abuse.

When people talk about violence against women, most think about physical abuse (slapping, choking, restraining) because injuries occur and are usually visible. Actually, there are many different ways of women abuse, including psychological abuse, sexual abuse, verbal abuse, financial abuse, stalking, social abuse, and using children. Neighbours Friends and Families describes each abuse on their website
In Neighbours Friends and Families website, it states 45% of woman abuse result in physical result. Psychological effects can be extensive. 85% of women indicate of experiencing negative emotional effects including anger, fear, becoming less trusting, suffering from lowered self-esteem, depression, anxiety, shame and guilt. 25% of women have used alcohol, drugs or medication to battle these effects. Neighbours Friends and Families describes each effect on their website

Most people would be asking, "Why doesn't she just leave?" There are many factors abuse women face: situational factors, emotional factors, personal beliefs. Situational factors include economical dependence, fear of being hunted down, lack of understanding from families and friends, lack of job skill, and fear or emotional damage to the children. Emotional factors include insecurity of being alone, love, denial, false hope, and responsibility. Personal Beliefs include religious beliefs, duty, and identity. To learn all the different factors, go to
How can you help a woman being abused? You can call the police if it is an emergency. If you are unsure to contact the police, or it is not an emergency, call Assaulted Women's Helpline (1-866-863-0511) or a local shelter and they can help and discuss the situation. Police should not be your first option, but if the woman is in a life-threatening situation, do not hesitate to call the police. Remember, safety of the woman is the first priority.

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