Monday, October 13, 2008

7 Terrible Abuses Suffered By Women Around The World

From The List Universe

NOTE: Some readers may find the text and images on this list disturbing.
For most of our readers, the biggest troubles in their lives are petrol prices, long working hours, and increasing food costs. For many women in the world, these are the least of their concerns. Terrible atrocities are committed against untold numbers of women around the world every day and for most of these women, justice will never be served. This is a list of the worst of the atrocities. In no particular order:

Bride kidnapping

Bride kidnapping is a common practice in Kyrgyzstan and Turkmenistan. When it is time to get married in Kyrgyzstan, a man or his family will pick a woman and she will be kidnapped. The prospective groom and his male relatives or friends or both abduct the girl (in the old nomadic days, on horseback; now often by car) and take her to the family home, where the older women of the family try to get her to accept the marriage. Some families will keep the girl hostage for several days to break her will. Others will let her go if she remains defiant. The kidnapped woman’s family may also become involved in the process, either urging the woman to stay if the marriage is believed to be socially acceptable or advantageous for the prospective bride and her family, or opposing the marriage on various grounds and helping liberate the woman.
In Ethiopia and Rwanda it is quite brutal, where the man kidnaps the woman and rapes her. The family of the woman either then feels obliged to consent to the union, or is forced to when the kidnapper impregnates her, as no one else would marry a pregnant woman.

Honor Killing

Honor Killing is a punitive murder, committed by members of a family against a female member of their family whom the family and/or wider community believes to have brought dishonor upon the family. A woman is usually targeted for: refusing an arranged marriage, being the victim of a sexual assault, seeking a divorce (even from an abusive husband), or committing adultery or fornication. These killings result from the perception that any behavior of a woman that “dishonors” her family is justification of a killing that would otherwise be deemed murder. UNICEF has reported that in India, more than 5,000 brides are killed annually because their marriage dowries are considered insufficient. As of 2004, honor killings have occurred within parts of various countries, such as Albania, Bangladesh, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Ecuador, Germany, India, Iraq, Israel, Italy, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, Uganda, United Kingdom and the United States.

Bride burning

Bride Burning is a form of domestic violence practiced in parts of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and other countries located on or around the Indian subcontinent. In bride burning cases it is alleged that a man, or his family, douses his wife with kerosene, gasoline, or other flammable liquid, and sets the woman alight, leading to death by fire.

Acid attacks

Acid Attacks are a violent phenomena that primarily occur in Afghanistan. Perpetrators of these attacks throw acid at their victims (usually at their faces), burning them. The consequences include permanent scarring of the face and body as well as potential blindness. Acid attacks are sometimes referred to as vitriolage.

Female genital mutilation

Female genital mutilation refers to all procedures involving partial or total removal of the external female genitalia or other injury to the female genital organs whether for cultural, religious or other non-therapeutic reasons. FGM is practiced throughout the world, with the practice concentrated most heavily in Africa. There have been many concerted efforts by the WHO to end the practice. Among practicing cultures, FGM is most commonly performed between the ages of four and eight, but can take place at any age from infancy to adolescence. The procedure, when performed without anesthetic, can lead to death through shock from immense pain or excessive bleeding.

Human trafficking

Since the fall of the iron curtain, the impoverished former Eastern bloc countries such as Albania, Moldova, Romania, Bulgaria, Russia, Belarus and Ukraine have been identified as major trafficking source countries for women and children. Young women and girls are often lured to wealthier countries by the promise of money and work and then reduced to sexual slavery. It is estimated that 2/3 of women trafficked for prostitution worldwide annually come from Eastern Europe, three-quarters have never worked as prostitutes before. The major destinations are Western Europe (Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, UK and Greece), the Middle East (Turkey, Israel, the United Arab Emirates), Asia, Russia and the United States. An estimated 500,000 women from Central and Eastern Europe are working in prostitution in the EU alone.

Ritual servitude

In parts of Ghana, a family may be punished for an offense by having to turn over a virgin female to serve as a sex slave within the offended family. In this system of slavery of ritual servitude, young virgin girls are given as slaves in traditional shrines and are used sexually by the priests in addition to providing free labor. [Image above: two young female slaves]

This article is licensed under the GFDL because it contains quotations from Wikipedia.

Contributor: rushfan

Woman Abuse

The image shows verbal abuse can be as excruciating as physical abuse.

When people talk about violence against women, most think about physical abuse (slapping, choking, restraining) because injuries occur and are usually visible. Actually, there are many different ways of women abuse, including psychological abuse, sexual abuse, verbal abuse, financial abuse, stalking, social abuse, and using children. Neighbours Friends and Families describes each abuse on their website
In Neighbours Friends and Families website, it states 45% of woman abuse result in physical result. Psychological effects can be extensive. 85% of women indicate of experiencing negative emotional effects including anger, fear, becoming less trusting, suffering from lowered self-esteem, depression, anxiety, shame and guilt. 25% of women have used alcohol, drugs or medication to battle these effects. Neighbours Friends and Families describes each effect on their website

Most people would be asking, "Why doesn't she just leave?" There are many factors abuse women face: situational factors, emotional factors, personal beliefs. Situational factors include economical dependence, fear of being hunted down, lack of understanding from families and friends, lack of job skill, and fear or emotional damage to the children. Emotional factors include insecurity of being alone, love, denial, false hope, and responsibility. Personal Beliefs include religious beliefs, duty, and identity. To learn all the different factors, go to
How can you help a woman being abused? You can call the police if it is an emergency. If you are unsure to contact the police, or it is not an emergency, call Assaulted Women's Helpline (1-866-863-0511) or a local shelter and they can help and discuss the situation. Police should not be your first option, but if the woman is in a life-threatening situation, do not hesitate to call the police. Remember, safety of the woman is the first priority.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Portrait of a Woman

Lyrics to Portrait of a Woman - Donell Jones

I've done my girl so wrong and i don't know what i was thinking
now she's gone cause she was fed up with me
(this is a portrait of a woman)
Then why do we treat women so cold when we come from one
because you wouldn't do your mother wrong
(this is a portrait of a woman)
And to the women out there struggling taking care of your kids alone
just hold on you deserve a life of love
(this is a portrait of a woman)
Said a portrait of a woman your so beautiful
(this is a portrait of a woman)

This is the portrait of a woman, of a woman
(this is a portrait of a woman)

If we love them how come we can't settle down with just one
because you wouldn't take the same abuse
(this is a portrait of a woman)
To the women if you cry almost every night cause happiness ain't inside
just stay true cause your sun will shine again
(this is a portrait of a woman)
As i look in your picture frame girl you've been gettin thinner often
but God loves you and you call up beautiful
(this is a portrait)

Of a woman so wonderful she plant the earth with all her seeds
And as men we should take care of them its our responsibility
So respect the one you call your love show her sensitivity
And don't be afraid to get your own or you'll end up just like me
Lost and lonely

Said you gotta treat your woman right
(this is a portrait of a woman)
I said a portrait of a woman, of a woman
Cause if she leave she ain't coming back
You better get your shit on track
(this is a portrait of a woman)
Portrait of a woman
Of a woman yeah, you better treat your woman right
Or she'll walk right out of your life
(this is a portrait of a woman)
Of a woman yeah
Of a woman yeah
She'll walk right out of your life
This is a portrait of a woman

Portrait of a Woman is a single in Donell Jones' fourth album, Journey of a Gemini. Donell Jones is a singer-songwriter-producer. He is known for his smooth R & B ballads and lyrics about love. His most famous song is Where I Wanna Be. His father is gospel legend, Bobby Jones.
Donell Jones faced many challenges while producing Journey of a Gemini. He battled through alcoholism for quite some time before checking into rehab with the support of friends and family.
Many songs in Journey of a Gemini is based on his past relationships and life. Now, he is sober and wants to inspire others. He says, "It's okay to admit you have a problem. Just listen to your heart and your family."
Portrait of a Woman is his confession to a woman he mistreated in his life. In this song, he illustrates how women should be treated. His woman left him and now he regrets what he did to her

"This is a portrait of a woman."
In the song, this line is the most important line because it is the title of the song and occurs often. I have been asking myself, "What does this line mean?" I have asked many people and I have received many different answers. To me, this line has two different meanings: a good meaning and a bad meaning. A "portrait" is a painting, photograph, or other artistic representation of a person, usually focusing on the face and its expression. Portrait of a woman can be good because the artist is trying to depict the emotions, but it can also be bad because when a man looks at the portrait, the first thing they look at is the woman's beauty.

"Then why do we treat women so cold when we come from one because you wouldn't do your mother wrong."
When I heard this line, it stuck out because it is a line that men know, but never think. Men would not abuse their mother or sister, so why do they abuse another women? In The Lottery, Mr. Hutchinson took the paper out of Ms. Hutchinson's hand to see if the paper had the black dot. After, Ms. Hutchinson was stoned. If the woman being stoned was Mr. Hutchinson's mother, I believe he would have stopped people from stoning her. Maybe he would not have stopped the stoning because he was following tradition, but most men would never abuse or allow abuse of their mother.

"If we love them how come we can't settle down with just one because you wouldn't take the same abuse."
Men would not like when their women cheat on them or abuse them, so why do men abuse and cheat on women? Men are more selfish than women and only think about themselves and what they want. When they are cheating with another woman, they do not think about their women at home taking care of their child. When they see their women cheating with another man, they cannot accept it. Men should think about their women before themselves because most women have dedicated their lives to them.

"Of a woman so wonderful she plant the earth with all her seeds.
And as men we should take care of them it's our responsibility
The first line "Of a woman so wonderful she plant the earth with all her seeds" means women give birth to children. The second line "And as men we should take care of them it's our responsibility" means men should take care of them because women gave birth to their children. Giving birth is a long and agonizing procedure. As a man myself, we men will never experience the pain they receive. Therefore, we should take care of the women and the children and we should not allow the women to worry about us cheating. They deserve the same love and care that they give us. Without women, there will be no children.

Portrait of a Woman - Donell Jones

Where I Wanna Be - Donell Jones

In Where I Wanna Be, Donell Jones is saying he has been with his girl since they were teenagers and he wants to break up with her because he wanted to find lust (meaning intense sexual desire) and wants to see where he wants to be. He did not want to cheat and break her heart, so he decided to break up with her. Breaking up with your woman might hurt her, but it is better to cheat with another women. Telling your woman the truth is better than lying until she finds out. She can forgive you for breaking up with her to find lust and telling her the truth, but she cannot forgive you for cheating on her with another woman until she finds out and then telling her the truth.
Where I Wanna Be Music Video

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Hostel II

Hostel II is a 2007 film directed by Eli Roth and produced by Quentin Tarantino. The main characters are Beth (Lauren German), Whitney (Bijou Phillips), Lorna (Heather Matarazzo), Axelle (Vera Jordanova), Sasha (Milan Kňažko), Todd (Richard Burgi), and Stuart (Roger Bart). Beth, Whitney and Lorna are art student in Italy. They meet Axelle, a nude model they are sketching. Axelle to join her on a vacation to a spa in a small Slovakian village. They checked into a local hostel, where the desk clerk uploads their pictures from their passport to an auction website. The auction website allows men to bid for women they are interested in.
At the village, they had a "Harvest Festival". Beth and Whitney meet Todd and Stuart. Todd and Stuart bought the two women at the auction website. Lorna becomes intoxicated and goes on a boat ride with Roman, a stranger she met at the festival. During the boat ride, he kidnaps her. When she wakes up, she is naked and is chained upside-down in a large room. A woman enters and slowly kills Lorna by cutting her and slitting her throat.
Beth realizes something is wrong with the hostel. While in the spa, she sees several men approaching and surrounding her. Scared, she leaves the spa and runs through the forest. Axelle and a man named Sasha finds Beth and takes her back to his mansion. When they arrived at the mansion, Beth realizes Axelle and Sasha are responsible for the kidnapping of her friends. She tries to hide and discovers a room filled with heads. She realizes they were set up by Axelle to be bought and killed by men in a group called Elite Hunting. Each member of the group is given an Elite Hunting tattoo. When a member buys a woman, they try to torture the woman and make her suffer as much as possible. Beth realizes Stuart bid for her and has to figure a way to escape before she is tortured to death.
The violence in Hostel II is nauseating and disturbing. The Elite Hunting allow men to kill people for pleasure. They target on women because men are physically stronger than women. They treat women like an item on Ebay. In Canada, women were not consider "persons" until 1929, after The Famous Five won the "Person's Case".
The violence in the movie is exaggerated, and it does not happen in reality, but it shows how men abuse women to solve conflicts. In the movie, these men were rich people with anger and aggression and killed women to release their rage and have pleasure killing them. In reality, men abuse women because they "believe that they have the right to enforce their will on their female partners (Neighbours Friends and Families)." Most abusive men actually love their women and they abuse their love ones because of their own problems, and not because of the actions of the victims.

Hostel 2 Trailer

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Honour Killing

Pakistani man charged in 'honour killings' of 4 daughters

Honour killing is a murder of a family member, usually a woman, who are believed to have brought "shame" to the family. Women are be target for: refusing an arrange marriage, seeking a divorce, or even talking to another man. Human Rights Watch defines honour killing as "acts of violence, usually murder, committed by male family members against female family members, who are held to have brought dishonour upon the family. A woman can be targeted by (individuals within) her family for a variety of reasons, including: refusing to enter into an arranged marriage, being the victim of a sexual assault, seeking a divorce—even from an abusive husband—or (allegedly) committing adultery. The mere perception that a woman has behaved in a way that "dishonours" her family is sufficient to trigger an attack on her life."

Honour killing occurs in many places in the world, including: Egypt, Jordan, Iran, Lebanon, Morocco, Pakistan, Turkey, and other Mediterranean countries. Honour killing has also occurred in developed countries including: France, Germany, United States, and Canada. In 2007, Dr. Amin Muhammad did a study and wrote, "When people come and settle in Canada they can bring their traditions and forcefully follow them. In some cultures, people feel some boundaries are never to be crossed, and if someone would violate those practices or go against it, then murder is justified to them."

Some people believe honour killing occurs because of race, and people make racial comments about certain groups such as Islamics and Muslims, but it occurs because of tradition and culture. In the article, it states "...the younger children were killed because of fears they would follow in her footsteps." In the Islamic and Muslim tradition, the men tend to seek control and power, and the family is a property and asset to them. Because of this belief, even women support killing one of their own.
Muslim and Islamic men show power and control over women by honour killing and other abuses. In developed countries, men also seek power and control, but in a less brutal way. Muslim and Islamic men follow tradition and do not receive the education like in developed countries. Therefore, they do not realize the brutality and inhumanity of honour killing.
Also, there has been studies proving that in a male dominate country, violence against women occurs more because inferior men try to regain authority and power by abusing women. To stop honour killing, these men must be educated. These abuses will continue to occur, because men are physically stronger than women, but lives will not be at stake.

Du’a Khalil Aswad, 17, was stoned to death in an honour killing in 2007 after being seen with a Muslim boy.
*Warning: This video contains extremely disturbing images.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Lottery

The Lottery is a short story by Shirley Jackson. It was first published in the The New Yorker in 1948. The story is about a small American village having their annual lottery. There is a special box used only for the annual lottery. In the box, there are small pieces of paper, with one piece having a black dot in the middle. The head of each house draws the small piece of paper, and Bill Hutchinson receives the paper with the black dot. Each person in the Hutchinson family draws and whoever gets the paper with the black dot "wins" the lottery. At the end of the story, Tessie Hutchinson, Bill's wife, receives the paper with the black dot and "wins" the lottery. The prize of the lottery was being stoned.
Stoning is a form of capital punishment that involves people throwing stones at the convicted until he or she dies. Stoning has been used for a long time, and still happens today in our society. In the story The Lottery, the person who "won" the lottery could have been a man or a woman, or even a child, but in the real world, stoning affects women the most. Most of the time, women are being stoned for a crime with no evidence. Stoning is not the only brutal abuse women suffer. Some abuses include: bride burning, bride kidnapping, honor killing, female genital mutilation and human trafficking. Because of the brutality of stoning and other abuses women suffer, I chose Violence against Women as the theme.

Bride Kidnapping

Monday, September 22, 2008

America's Team: Best Team in the NFL

In the 1990s, "America's Team" won 3 Superbowls with one of the greatest trio of all time, Troy Aikman, Michael Irvin and Emmett Smith, and one of the best defensive coaches of all time, Jimmy Johnson. Who is "America's Team"? They are the Dallas Cowboys. The are known as "America's Team" because of its high attendance and extreme passion for football in the city of Dallas. After their third superbowl win, the Cowboy's success has declined and teams such as New England Patriots, Indianapolis Colts, and Pittsburgh Steelers have been the best teams. Recently, the Cowboys are re-emerging as the best team in the NFL because of the emergence of Tony Romo and the talent offense.

The Dallas Cowboys are once again the best team in the NFL because of Tony Romo. After the retirement of Troy Aikman, the Cowboys did not have any success with Quincy Carter and Vinny Testeverde. Luckily the Cowboys were able to nab Tony Romo. He was undrafted from Eastern Illinois. Romo has tremendous footwork and arm accuracy. He can throw accurately on the run. He is not afraid of the pressure. He is able to find gaps and throw the football before being sacked. Sometimes, he makes poor judgments and throws an interception, but he is still learning and has vastly improved since being an undrafted prospect.

Tony Romo is having so much success because he has a balance, talented offense. The Cowboys have a balance of running and passing. When they run, they have the power of Marion Barber and the speed of Felix Jones. When they pass, they have targets like Terrell Owens, Patrick Crayton, and Jason Witten. With so many options, they can mix up their game plan and confuse the defense.
At the beginnning of the year, every scout and sports analyst said the Cowboys were the most talented. Now with Tom Brady out for the season, Peyton Manning not 100% healed, and San Diego Chargers struggling, the Cowboys are the clearcut favourite to be the best team and win the Superbowl.